Kendra Cox, Preschool Co-Director
Krista Mahlstadt, Preschool Co-Director

Tracy Ferguson, Preschool Director of Education

Stacia Themm, Preschool Assistant Director

Hannah Barnes, Infant Instructor and Department Advisor

Alex Baton, PreK3 Assistant Instructor

Jenifer Bell, Preschool Administrative Assistant

Sandy Bowles, Preschool Enrichment Instructor

Chastity Cox, PreK4 Instructor and Department Advisor

Lisa Croslin, Lead 2's instructor

Ashley Decker, Instructor

Bethany Dermer, Toddler Instructor, Department Advisor

Trixie Dunn, Lead 3's Teacher/ Department Advisor

Debra Durham, Support Instructor

Maddie Dyson, Lead PreK3 Instructor

Carlisa Elmi, PreK4 Instructor

Sharon Goad, Chef

Diane Hambrick, Assistant Infant Instructor

Eric Hedden, Support Instructor

Joanna Moore, PreK4 Instructor

Karen Olave, Support Staff

Angie Oliphant, PreK4 Instructor

Crystal Palmer, Support Instructor

Britta Pifer, PreK3 Lead

Tori Poitevint, Support Instructor

Yvette Smith, Support Instructor

Sandi Solomon, Lead toddler, teacher

Rebecca Steele, 2's assistant teacher

Anita Steen, PreK4 Instructor

Rebekah Thompson, Toddler Assistant Instructor and School Nurse

Elizabeth Watts, Toddler Assistant Instructor

Wendy Wise, Lead Infant Teacher