Morning Drop-off
• Until 7:45 AM, all 9-12 students may be dropped off in front of the upper school (US), in front of the lower school (LSF), or behind the lower school near the kindergarten entrance (LSB).
• All K-8 students may be dropped off in front of the lower school (LSF) or behind the lower school near the kindergarten entrance (LSB). The church drive will be two-way for morning drop-off and throughout the day (except during afternoon dismissal), and you may enter using either the north Sawyer Brown entrance OR the Charlotte Pike church entrance.
• After 7:25 AM, 5th/6th only parents may drop off directly at Western Hills (WH).
• After 7:45 AM, all students must be dropped off at their primary building.
• Student drivers will all enter using the Charlotte Pike entrance and park at the church.
• We encourage all families to choose a single, consistent drop-off location for the entire family.
Afternoon Dismissal
• All K-5 will enter through the Charlotte Pike entrance and exit onto Sawyer Brown Road. (THE CHURCH DRIVE WILL BE ONE-WAY ONLY IN THE AFTERNOONS FROM CHARLOTTE PIKE TO SAWYER BROWN RD.)
• K-5 students will be dismissed in back of the lower school on the church drive (LSB) unless they are with a 6-12 grade sibling.
• All 9-12 students will be picked up in front of the upper school (US).
• All 6-8 students will be picked up in front of the lower school (LS).
• If you have children in multiple schools (e.g. a 3rd grader and an 8th grader), they can be picked up in front of the lower school (LS).
• Late Start and Early Dismissal days will follow the same plan.
Preschool Arrival and Dismissal
• Preschool Building C, only use the church entrance from Charlotte and park in the designated area.
• For Preschool Buildings A and B, use the main entrance from Sawyer Brown and exit using either exit in front of the lower school building.
• If you have children in multiple preschool buildings, you will need to exit one area and re-enter the other to drop your children off at their respective buildings.