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Course Listings



English I/English I Honors
Prerequisites: English I Honors requires recommendation from the 8th grade English teacher and As/Bs in middle school English. The Honors level will require more extensive projects and assignments as well as higher level reading assignments.

The English I courses strive to accomplish a number of objectives. In literature, the student reads a variety of genres—drama, epic, short story, nonfiction, the novel, and poetry. Required writing involves tasks of both an expressive and academic nature, and these assignments familiarize the student with research procedures and MLA format. Because the state requires that language arts courses include components of media, speaking, and listening, those elements are also incorporated into English I classes in various presentation and response assessments. In addition, the course also continues to build the student’s grammar and vocabulary knowledge.

English II/English II Honors
Prerequisites: English II Honors requires a recommendation from English I teacher and acceptable grades in English I. The Honors level completes more extensive projects and assignments as well as higher level reading assignments.

English II builds upon the skills learned in English I. In literature students continue to study genre, but this course purposefully exposes students to literature from other countries and cultures as well. Writing and presentation assignments develop students’ research, analysis, and evaluation skills. As with the other language arts courses, students are required to develop and display grammar skills and vocabulary usage appropriate to grade level in preparation for standardized tests and college level work.

English III
In accordance with state recommendations, English III surveys the body of American literature and focuses primarily on persuasive writing. Other modes of writing are assigned from time to time as well, and all assignments require the student to utilize higher level critical thinking skills in preparation for upcoming college work. Students continue to build grammar, vocabulary, speaking, and listening skills.

English III Honors / Dual Enrollment
Credits: 1 high school credit / (6 hrs college credit)
Prerequisites: 21 ACT score overall and a 20 in English for college credit. Honors students must have prior English honors class experience.

Through a partnership with Lipscomb University, this course offers students the opportunity to take both Lipscomb University English 1113: Composition and Reading 1 and Lipscomb University English 1123: Composition and Reading II. This gives 11th grade students the chance to earn 6 hours of college English credit. Both the fall semester and spring semester serve as basic introduction to university-level reading, writing, and research. Students who do not earn the required ACT score may take this class for honors credit. All students are required to purchase their textbooks for both semesters.
Students should be able to do all of the following upon completing this class:
•    Recognize and avoid plagiarism in an academic setting
•    Produce competently written college-level essays
•    Understand writing as a process and implement effective strategies for developing, revising, and editing documents
•    Read critically enough to distinguish between strong and weak arguments and effective and ineffective style in their own texts and in the texts of others

English IV
In accordance with state recommendations, English IV surveys British literature beginning with the Anglo-Saxons and continuing in a chronological progression. Writing for this course requires use of sources, critical reading, and synthesis and application of varying ideas. Though writing assignments vary from year to year, students might be asked to write a personal narrative, a rhetorical analysis, a literary analysis, or a conceptual definition essay. Students also continue to build grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening skills. Some class time also continues to address ACT preparation.

English IV Honors / Dual Enrollment
Credits: 1 high school credit / (6 hrs college credit)
Prerequisites: 21 ACT score overall, a 20 in English for college credit, and both semesters of English 3 Dual Enrollment. Students who take this class for the honors option must have prior English honors class experience. All students are required to purchase their textbooks for both semesters.

FALL SEMESTER: Lipscomb University English 2113: Survey of English Literature 1 This class is a survey of English literature from the beginnings of English Literature through the Restoration and the 18th Century. Students will examine the works of significant writers of fiction, poetry, prose, and drama taking into account events in history that influenced them. Students will learn to think critically about literature through discussion and to write critically about it in essays.

SPRING SEMESTER: Lipscomb University English 2123: Survey of American Literature 1 This class will look at American literature from the beginnings during the Age of Exploration up through the Civil War era. Students will examine the works of significant American writers while taking into account the history that influenced them. The class will also consider the ideas and concepts that distinguish American Literature and give it a unique identity.
Students should be able to do all of the following upon completing both semesters of this class:
•    Identify characteristics of the distinctive literary periods in English and American literature
•    Place and discuss works in a historical context
•    Understand the elements that characterize the various genres studied
•    Identify the major English authors and their works
•    Identify the dominant themes found in English literature and American Literature
•    Demonstrate competency in the above using both written and oral skills

This class will develop and strengthen students’ writing and computer skills in an environment where they will be responsible for producing the school yearbook and the student news website. As part of these year-long projects, students will develop skills involving photography, computers, graphic design, and journalistic writing. Students will work individually and in groups to meet the requirements of producing a quality yearbook and news site. This type of hands-on class strongly relates to the realities of modern careers.

Some of the objectives for this class include:
•    To teach the student skills necessary in communicating in the print media today with emphasis on writing, but including interviewing, observing, reporting, reacting and synthesizing
•    To help the student to become an intelligent consumer of the mass media
•    To give the student the opportunity to discover and explore the various forms of writing utilized in journalism
•    To provide the student with opportunities to analyze their own writing, the writing of others and to have their writing evaluated by a teacher
•    To produce the Nashville Christian School yearbook for grades 6 - 12 and the student news site

Dual Enrollment Speech
Credits: 1 high school credit / 3 hours college credit
Prerequisites: Dual Enrollment English Composition Credit 

An exploration and practical application of communication theory in various contexts: interpersonal, small group, and public speaking. This class focuses on public presentation skills. These skills include speaking, debating, interviewing, oral interpretation and participating in a small group. The students also study communication theory that correlates to the previously mentioned subjects, as well as topics such as intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, and mass communication. 


Spanish I
Spanish I is a course that is designed to initiate a solid foundation of Spanish Language acquisition. Students will understand how Spanish phonetics and punctuation differ from their native language. Students will move from learning accurate Spanish pronunciation to understanding useful phrases and greetings and being able to engage in a short dialogue. A wide range of vocabulary will be taught and spoken in the course. Students will move on to master grammatical structures like: subject pronouns, indirect and direct articles, verb conjugation for the present tense with regular ar, er, and ir verbs, common irregular verbs, stem-changing verbs, reflexive verbs, verbs like “gustar”, possessive and demonstrative adjectives, direct object pronouns, weather expressions, and expressions of obligation. Each unit is designed to give the student valuable skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Culture and geographical knowledge are emphasized in this course as well and will highlight information from all of Latin America and Spain. 

 Spanish II
Spanish II is designed to build on previously learned skills while introducing more advanced grammatical structures and verb tenses. This course, like Spanish I, includes the presentation of functional vocabulary and Hispanic culture. Students will ask and answer questions about basic needs and familiar topics. They will engage in conversations with classmates using solely the target language. Students will work to interpret authentic resources by identifying main ideas and facts from printed and recorded materials. Students will understand directions and instructions more clearly. Students will write simple, original material on a given topic using the appropriate tense. Each unit will help students become more confident communicating ub everyday situations as they navigate the ACTFL proficiency standards. Some grammatical topics to be studied include: review of present tense and reflexive verbs, preterit tense, present progressive tense, informal commands, imperfect tense, and object pronoun placement.

Spanish III
Spanish III is a continuation of Spanish I & II and is a course which continues to build on previously learned skills while also introducing more advanced grammatical structures and additional vocabulary and verb tenses. It is taught primarily in Spanish. Just as in preceding courses, Hispanic culture will be studied. Students will initiate and sustain limited conversations that reflect everyday situations. Students will listen to and interpret meaning from familiar content as well as authentic listening situations from websites, TV programs, podcasts, etc. Students will read and comprehend main ideas and supporting details from authentic materials (short stories, books, newspapers, etc.). Students will create original narrative compositions of paragraph length and express opinions about current topics of interest. This is a course intended for students who show high academic achievement in Spanish I and Spanish II and who demonstrate a strong desire to learn Spanish. Every chapter will help students become confident communicating with vocabulary relevant to everyday life. Some grammatical topics to be studied are: review of all past tenses; future tense; affirmative and negative commands; pluperfect tense; conditional tense; subjunctive mood; adverbial expressions; and hypothetical expressions.

Spanish IV 
Spanish IV is an elective offered for students who have taken Spanish I, II, & III and wish to continue their language studies at an advanced level. The course will review all tenses, time frames, and moods of the Spanish language. Students will present, discuss, and collaborate in Spanish, using authentic materials in the target language. Students will read a short novel each quarter to develop their reading comprehension skills and add to their functional vocabulary. Units of study in the class are organized to promote the integration of language, content, and culture and in a variety of contexts. Students will be assessed on their ability to present ideas in informal writing, formal writing, informal speaking, and formal speaking to prepare for use of Spanish in everyday life.


World History and Geography
This course explores the advancement of the human race through the good and the bad. We explore the many different perspectives of many historical time periods. We move from the Greeks and the Romans in the early Common Era to the globalistic environment of the modern era. It also provides the student with a look at the interaction of the nations of the world and the use of resources with regard to modern world politics. This is for the 9th or 10th grade student and meets the state requirement for a social studies elective.

American History and Geography
Pre-requisites:  World History and Geography or AP Human Geography

This is a survey course of American History from the post-reconstruction period to the modern period. It gives the student insight into the building of the American character and personality as well as the use of our resources leading to the how and why of where we are today. This is a junior level course and is required by the state to graduate.

AP United States History
Pre-requisites:  The student needs to have a 3.0 GPA and strong reading and essay writing skills (determined by the prior English teachers and / or enrolled in dual-enrollment English) and be highly motivated to do the reading required for this course. They also need to be self-motivated to study and learn outside the classroom.

This course is for the highly motivated student who wants the opportunity to test for college credit as well as high school credit. This class covers the time from Early American Societies to the present, giving them a more in-depth study of the events that shaped the nation of today.  It is designed to give the student a taste of college work and possibly college credit before leaving high school and also fulfills the state requirement for US history.

AP Human Geography
Pre-requisites: The student needs to have a 3.0 GPA and strong reading and essay writing skills (determined by the prior English teachers) and be highly motivated to do the reading required for this course. They also need to be self-motivated to study and learn outside the classroom.

This is a college-level course designed to introduce students to systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth's surface. Students learn to think spatially as they study the world around them. The course covers seven different units that include discussions of geographic tools and thinking, population issues, cultural patterns, political organization of space, agricultural and rural land use, industrialization and economic development, and cities and urban land use. The course is aligned with the National Geography Standards developed in 1994 and revised in 2012. After successfully completing this course students will be able to “interpret maps and analyze geospatial data, understand and explain the implications of associations and networks among phenomena in places, recognize and interpret the relationships among patterns and processes at different scales of analysis, define regions and evaluate the regionalization process, and characterize and analyze changing interconnections among places.”

In Economics, students study the how people, businesses, and governments choose to use resources. The course will integrate the six social studies standards of essential content knowledge and four process skills for instructional purposes.  This will include topics related to culture of regions, specific economic systems, geography, governance and civics, history of economic developments, and important individuals, groups and events that developed economic systems.  With a present day and historical focus, the class will analyze the means that different subcultures create their own economic and political institutions within the context of a dominant economic and political group. A whole series of historical and present day questions can be confronted such as how did these subcultures function within or outside the boundaries of the dominant economic system, how does this phenomenon manifest itself in terms of society, etc.

The Government course focuses on the United States' founding principles and beliefs. Students will study the structure, functions, and powers of government at the national, state, and local levels. Integrate the six social studies standards of essential content knowledge and four process skills will be integrated for instructional purposes.  Topics will include culture at the time of the development of the United States government, economics as it relates to governance, a specific outline of the governmental system of the U.S., the history of the governing bodies and systems, the development of the Constitution with a study of laws and bills, and the important individuals, groups, and events that shaped the development of our government.

AP United States Government & Politics
Prerequisites: Pre-requisites: The student needs to have a 3.0 GPA and strong reading and essay writing skills (determined by the prior English teachers) and be highly motivated to do the reading required for this course. They also need to be self-motivated to study and learn outside the classroom.

The AP United States Government & Politics focuses on founding American documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution and how the founding of the country was developed. It also focuses on the roles and interactions between the branches of government and a study of the history of the branches. This course also focuses on civil liberties and rights, American political ideologies, and political participation. 

Psychology deals with human growth from birth to death and covers both the physical and mental changes that people experience. The course also covers jobs that psychologists work at and the various ways they may perform their duties. The course also covers subjects like how we learn, parenting techniques, effects that various stimuli have on the human condition such as the effect on sleep, and learning differences and special needs.


General Biology

Biology is devoted to the study of living things and their processes. Throughout the year this course provides an opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques, and an understanding of the fundamental principles of living organisms. Students will explore biological science as a process, cell structure and function, genetics and heredity, evolution and classification, diversity of living organisms and their ecological roles, and an introduction to human body and function.  

Honors Biology

Biology is devoted to the study of living things and their processes. Throughout the year, this course provides an opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques, and an understanding of the fundamental principles of living organisms. Students will explore biological science as a process, cell structure and function, genetics and heredity, evolution and classification, diversity of living organisms and their ecological roles, and an introduction to animal structure and function.  As an Honors course student, you have a different sequence of topics, go deeper into each topic, and will be working at a faster pace.  

Prerequisites: General or Honors Biology

This is an introductory level course designed to prepare the student for fundamental principles anticipated at the college level. Emphasis is placed on the practical nature of chemistry, how principles and mathematics of chemistry are interacted with on a daily basis. Solid background in applied math and basic algebra are helpful, the study of chemistry include (but is not limited to) the following: Study and classification of matter at the micro and macro level (inorganic and organic), chemical equations and stoichiometry, reactions, energy, development of the atomic model, quantum theory, periodic trends and more. Information will be given through use of lecture, discussion, web based resources, and other forms of technology. Grading is based on a wide variety of assessments including traditional quizzes and tests, class work, homework, special projects and lab work.

Human Anatomy and Physiology
Prerequisites: General or Honor Biology; Chemistry

This course integrates biology and chemistry into an in-depth study of the human body and its various systems. The eleven systems of the body are carefully analyzed at both the gross and microscopic levels.  Students utilize their understanding of biology and chemistry to build on and explore human physiology.  The course covers the students’ knowledge of basic anatomical terminology, chemical organization, cellular organization and tissue organization.  Building on this foundation, students begin their survey of the individual systems of the body covering both  anatomy and physiology.  The experience is enhanced by the use of lab time to explore microscopic tissues.  The course also includes a dissection of a fetal pig.  Human diseases and disorders are examined and discussed.  Knowledge of appropriate lab procedure and equipment is expected.    

Forensic Science
Prerequisites: General or HonorBiology, Chemistry

Forensic science is the application of science to the criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system.  Students learn the basis of processing a crime scene and the physical evidence that may be discovered. Students then engage in studies of various aspects of forensic science.  The properties of matter and glass are explored.  Forensic toxicology and serology will investigate laws, drugs and DNA’s influences on the criminal justice system.  Students analyze scenes involving arson and explosives.  Students learn the appropriate procedure for fingerprinting and analysis of such prints.  Technological advances and forensics science will be explored.  One should be aware that the course material revolves around actual crimes that might be disturbing to some.  Discretion by the parents is recommended. Throughout the year students are asked to investigate various scenarios and process evidence. This course challenges students to think critically and analyze data to determine its relevance in the crime.  

Introduction to Physics
Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, General or Honors Biology and Chemistry

This course provides students with a modern view of the fundamental concepts of the physical world in which we live. The major topics covered are mechanics, energy, properties of matter & heat transfer, electricity & magnetism, sound & light, and modern physics.  This course provides students with a conceptual understanding of concepts with a mathematical foundation. This class includes extensive investigative and laboratory work as well as written lab reports.  

Honors Physics 
Prerequisite: Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry
Co-requisite: Algebra II or higher

Honors Physics 1 is an Algebra-based Physics Course. Students use modeling, laboratory investigations, lectures, and arguments to explore, refine, and prove understanding of the six big ideas around which the course centers. The six main ideas are:

  • Objects and systems have properties such as mass and charge. Systems may have internal structure.
  • Fields existing in space can be used to explain interactions.
  • The interactions of an object with other objects can be described by forces.
  • Interactions between systems can result in changes in those systems.
  • Changes that occur as a result of interactions are constrained by conservation laws.
  • Waves can transfer energy and momentum from one location to another without the permanent transfer of mass and serve as a mathematical model for the description of other phenomena.

The course covers Kinematics, Forces, Universal Gravitation, Energy, Momentum, Waves, Rotational Motion, and Electricity. Students use conceptual and mathematical skills in the course to solidify understanding of findings and concepts. 

AP Biology
Prerequisites: General or Honors Biology, Chemistry

AP (advanced placement) Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following units mandated by the College Board: the chemistry of life, cell structure & function, cellular energetics, cell communication & cell cycle, heredity, gene expression & regulation, evolution & natural selection, and ecology.  This course requires that 25% of the instructional time be spent in hands-on laboratory work, with emphasis on inquiry-based investigations that provide students with opportunities to apply the scientific practices.  Students will take the National AP Biology exam in early May.

Earth Science
Prerequisites: General or Honor Biology, Chemistry

This course is a study of the environment that includes the physical, biological and social sciences. Emphasis is given to understanding both the living and nonliving elements of our world, and how we as inhabitants of the planet interact with, depend on and must seek to sustain them. This course provides an introduction into the many careers that involve environmental science including research, conservation, business and legislation. Content is introduced in a manner that encourages critical thinking and provides an opportunity for developing responsible study skills and work ethic. Current events and Bible memory verses are included in the synthesis of concepts learned throughout the year.  Students are encouraged to think about how their beliefs impact their interactions with the world around them.


Students will explore the world around us through a sustainability lense.  Students will use their critical thinking skills to creatively solve an environmental problem around the school that will make a lasting impression for years to come. We will together take care of the school’s recycling, compost, and our community garden. The class will help students understand the part we as christians play in making our world around us a better place and educate those in our community to do the same. 


Algebra I
Algebra I involves a study of the language, concepts, and techniques of Algebra that will help prepare students for solving problems by following a succession of steps. The main goal of this course is to develop confidence in working with linear equations. Students will extend their experiences with tables, graphs, and equations to where they can solve linear equations, linear inequalities, and systems of linear equations and inequalities. Students will extend their understanding of the number system to include irrational numbers. The students will learn to simplify polynomials and begin to study quadratic relationships.  Students will use technology and models to investigate and explore mathematical ideas and relationships and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations. The skills taught in this class will help to lay the foundation for upper level math and science courses.  Students will be asked to take a state mandated end of course assessment to demonstrate mastery of the curriculum. 

Prerequisite: Algebra I 

Honors level is offered for students wanting to progress at a fast pace and prepare for AP Calculus.
This is a full-year course in Euclidian geometry.  The course uses a variety of approaches to connect Geometry to Algebra, Trigonometry, Physics, and most importantly to real world situations. The course also develops the student’s ability to reason logically, to make conjectures and validate them through proofs, or refute them through counterexamples.  The course uses a variety of technology to ensure students master the curriculum. Topics include points, lines, planes, angles, deductive reasoning, parallel lines and planes, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, inequalities for triangles, similar polygons, right triangles, trigonometry, circles, area and volume. 
A Geometry Honors course is also offered, providing more rigorous study and additional topics related to course content.

Algebra II
Prerequisite: Geometry

Honors level is offered for students wanting to progress at a fast pace and prepare for AP Calculus.
The objective of this course is to review and expand upon basic concepts of Algebra I, introduce high level concepts involving conics, logarithms, and trigonometry, and prepare students for a college level Algebra course.  The content of this course includes: first degree equations and inequalities, linear relations and functions, polynomials, rational expressions, irrational and complex numbers, quadratic equations and functions, analytic Geometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, triangle trigonometry and trigonometric functions.  Functions and a graphing approach are major themes of the course.  The class will investigate and make conjectures verbally, algebraically, numerically, and graphically, both with and without the use of a graphing calculator.

Algebra II Honors
Prerequisite: Geometry

Algebra II Honors is designed to build on algebraic and geometric concepts. Standards are taught and reinforced as students develop advanced Algebra skills such as Algebra II foundations, function families, quadratic functions, complex numbers, polynomials expressions and equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, and rational functions. The course introduces trigonometry, matrix algebra, probability, statistics, and analytic geometry to expose the students to higher mathematical studies. Throughout this course, students will develop learning strategies, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving techniques important for students’ success on both the ACT and college mathematics entrance exams. The TI-84 graphing calculator is used throughout the year to build concepts and expand understanding of the material. Honors mathematics courses are intended to be more challenging than standard courses and provide multiple opportunities for students to take greater responsibility for their learning.

Prerequisites:  Algebra II

This course is designed to prepare students for a college level Probability and Statistics course that most majors require.  Topics include: Descriptive statistics (graphical and numerical analysis of discrete and continuous variables), Sampling and Experimental design (randomness, sampling distributions and simulations), Probability (simple and compound events, counting principles, various distributions including discrete, normal, binomial and geometric), Inferential statistics (confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, goodness of fit, and regression).

College Prep Algebra
Prerequisites:  Algebra II

Many students make it to their senior year of high school having passed Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.  However, there are many students who have not mastered all of the concepts in those classes to a degree that they can be highly successful on the ACT and in College Mathematics.  College Prep Algebra is designed to give students what they need to learn and retain algebra to prepare them for college math classes. Topics include:  solving equations and inequalities, basic statistics, geometry terms and figures, properties of geometric figures, measurement, an exhaustive study of linear equations, specific properties of triangles and circles, probability, a study of polynomials including operations, factoring, and rational expressions, quadratic functions, and Trigonometry.

Dual Enrollment Pre-Calculus
Prerequisites:  Algebra II 

Students taking Dual Enrollment Pre-Calculus will receive 6 hours of College Math Credit in College Algebra (3) and Trigonometry (3). The objective of this course is to prepare students for a Calculus course whether taken in high school or college. Content covered in this course include: linear and quadratic functions polynomial functions, general functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry with circles and right triangles, in depth study of the unit circle, trigonometric identities, analytic geometry, conic sections, sequences, series, summations, and limits. Students in this course will analyze and complete problems verbally, algebraically, numerically, and graphically, both with and without the use of a graphing calculator. 

Prerequisite: Algebra II

The objective of this course is to reinforce and extend the concepts taught in Algebra II and to prepare students for a Calculus course whether it may be taken in high school or college.  The content of this course includes: linear and quadratic functions, polynomial functions, general functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, Trigonometry based from circles as well as right triangles, Trigonometric identities, analytic Geometry and conic sections, sequences, series and summations, and limits.  The class will investigate and make conjectures verbally, algebraically, numerically, and graphically both with and without the use of a graphing calculator.

AP Calculus AB
Prerequisite:  Pre-Calculus, Teacher Recommendation

The objective of this course is to introduce students to the major concepts of a first-year college Calculus course, with the annual objective of preparing the student for the Advanced Placement exam in May.  The course is designed according to the College Board Advanced Placement program.  The content of this course is mandated by the College Board.  Major topics include: limits and continuity, derivatives, application of derivatives, definite integrals, differential equations and mathematical modeling, and applications of definite integrals.  A study of these topics is concluded with a review for the Advanced Placement exam.



At Nashville Christian School we believe that no education is complete without learning the Bible. Therefore, students at all levels are taught the Scriptures each academic day.

Freshman Bible 

Freshman Bible begins at a good place...Genesis, the book of beginnings. We'll study how the creation story relates to us today in a world that is gradually dismissing God as the designer. We'll look at the beginning of sin, the remedy, the first family, evidence of Noah's flood and how it relates to us. We'll continue through Genesis and relate how the lives of these patriarchs parallels today's followers. We hope to learn from the mistakes and faith of ancient followers to help us live in relationship to God. Then we move into Exodus and study how God used Moses to show His power over the gods of Egypt. We'll survey the rest of early Hebrew history, including Samson and other leaders up until the nation of Israel was ripped in two by turmoil. We'll study key Hebrew words, cities and archaeological sites while learning the culture and customs of ancient people. This will lead to an understanding of how Old Testament history is a foreshadowing, prophecy and preparation for Christ. 

Sophomore Bible

Life of Christ/Life of the Church

During the 1st semester, this course will focus on uncovering and highlighting aspects of the life, ministry and Lordship of Jesus. Great emphasis will be placed on extrapolation and application of the faith lessons derived from the disciples of Jesus. We will answer the question, "Who is Jesus?" During the semester, we will dig deeper into discipleship, Jesus' major teachings and discourses (including parables and miracles) and the events of the crucifixion and resurrection.  

The 2nd semester of Sophomore Bible will be an in-depth study of the life of the early church in Acts. We will journey alongside the spread of the disciples of Christ from the day of Pentecost, all the way to Paul’s missionary journey. Topics will include the life of Paul (conversion, trial and letters), and the conversions in Acts, ending the semester with a look at the church in the 21st century.

Junior Bible 
World Religions (1st Semester)
This class will focus primarily on examining the practices, histories, and beliefs of the major religions of the world. We will focus on these primary religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. The semester will finish with a brief look at various cults that have impacted the world. World Religions class will be taught from a Christian perspective so that students are equipped to understand the patterns and beliefs of other religions as well as be able to defend their faith in a knowledgeable and compassionate way. 

Faith and Film (2nd Semester)
Faith and Film is a class designed to help students see the sacred in the mundane. Students will be learning to watch movies critically while deciphering spiritual significance from the films. The themes of redemption and hope are prevalent as we progress through the movies in class, and students are asked to elaborate on how these themes are presented in the stories. Students will come to understand the use and significance of “Christ Figures” in film as well as the overarching power of story in our lives. Much like the parables that Jesus used to teach, Faith and Film attempts to use the power of story to reveal eternal truths that are a part of the human experience. 

Wisdom Literature, Prophets, New Testament Letters
In the fall semester, we will explore selections of wisdom literature and the prophets in the Hebrew Bible.  In the spring semester, we will survey the letters of the New Testament. Through both semesters we will discuss the historical context, themes, and literary characteristics of  the course readings. Analyze, interpret, and apply the meaning of texts from multiple perspectives. Identify how certain strains of biblical wisdom literature became appropriated and modified by later reception in Jewish and Christian historical contexts. Our hope will be to develop skills in reading and applying the truths we find in scripture with a growing desire to obey those commands and principles in these books that are valid and relevant to our spiritual life.

Senior Bible
As students near the end of their academic journey here at NCS, we want them to finish strong academically and spiritually. Our senior Bible classes continue to focus on Biblical teaching but also encourage our students to find their own faith as they prepare for the next chapter in their lives. One of the ways we do this is by offering female and male only classes as well as a traditional co-ed Bible class.

(First Semester)
The girls bible class begins the year with a study called Armor of God which is an in-depth study of Ephesians Chapter 6. This study is an action plan for putting on the armor of God and developing a strategy to gain victory against the enemy. 

The co-ed Bible class will explore prominent men and women throughout scripture examining the impact they each made. We will also explore ways to pattern our lives after these Biblical heroes.

The male class will look at prominent Men of God and how they, as young men, can model their lives after these men. 

Our second nine weeks will begin a unified curriculum for all classes. We begin with apologetics, a study about understanding and explaining our faith. This nine weeks, we will explore science and faith and how they work together and not against each other.

(Second Semester) 
After the Holiday break we will study marriage and the family. We will look at dating, marriage, and having a family. We will explore God’s word and other Christian literature to see what God’s plan is for a Christian family. We will close out the year looking at various lessons that are invaluable to young Christians making sure they are spiritually prepared for the next chapter of life. 


Art I
This introductory course of the visual arts is taught in a “hands on” fashion with emphasis on the elements and principles of art and design. It includes a study of traditional media such as graphite, charcoal, paint, pastel and clay. Nontraditional media will also be explored; this includes ink, wood, repurposed and found items. Students will enjoy participating in a wide variety of techniques and styles from impressionism and realism to abstract, pop art and trompe l'oeil. They will be exposed to famous historical artists and movements like the Renaissance movement and the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) and Raphel  (Raffaelo Sanzioof). Students will also be introduced to 20th century movements and artists such as the conceptual art movement with the examples of Jackson Pollock’s drip paintings and  Andy Warhol’s pop art. While continually challenged with basic art criticism and aesthetic valuing, students will compare and contrast famous works as well as their own studio projects against the foundation of our Biblical Christian perspective.  Issues concerning art, the functions of art, the meanings and the power of using visual art as a light to the world, will be ongoing topics. Students will be constantly encouraged to find their own God given style and technique, through constantly engaging in “hands on” studio production.  All art work will be presented at the annual NCS art show and fundraiser.

Art II
This intermediate course of study will begin alongside Art I, with a review of the elements and principles of art and design.  It will also involve a skills review of drawing and painting through the use of traditional media such as charcoal, paint and pastel.  From a Christian worldview, students will then be encouraged to seek out their area of concentration through a variety of themed projects such as “The Interior of Something” and “The Shoe Project.” Working independently, they will be continually challenged in art criticism and aesthetic valuing of their projects and ideas.  Students will also apply this knowledge to a study of historical art works and art movements such as the “Water Lily Pond” by Claude Monet and “The Bridge at Moret” by Alfred Sisley completed during the impressionist movement.  They will begin to assemble a portfolio to be used for presentation in regional art exhibits and scholarships applications. They will present their work at the annual NCS art show and fundraiser and be encouraged to use their visual gifts and talents to find ways to give back to our school and our community.

Advanced Art
This advanced course will build on knowledge gained from Art I and Art II classes.  Designed to allow students to continue their studies of the visual arts this course will assist them in building a strong portfolio.  Students will be given opportunities to exhibit and earn scholarships in regional and state level art competitions such as, the Tennessee Regional Art Exhibition and the Scholastic Art Competition.  They will work independently in their chosen medium and area of concentration on themed assignments like the “Name Illustration Portfolio cover” ,the “Shoe Project”, and the “Monochromatic Action painting” and will assist as peer tutors  in the Art I and Art II classes to further reinforce their skills.   Students will also display their work and participate in the organization and set up of the annual NCS art show and fundraiser.   As with all visual art classes, the students are encouraged to use their visual gifts and talents to give back to our school, our community and to use them to glorify God.

Students in Theater will study, write, research, critique, create, design, perform and participate in a variety of theatre-based learning experiences. The course will include instruction in history, performance, and design techniques-- creating performance-based experiences while using appropriate technology and media. The course will develop critical thinking, creativity and aesthetic perception and will reinforce skills in leadership and collaboration. The program of study will generate a heightened sensitivity to the arts and will explore theatre's significance and influence on society.  Students will work together with the instructor to create a safe, creative and collaborative experience where individuals may explore their own talents in a nurturing environment.

NCS Chamber Choir
Chamber Choir membership is by audition only and is comprised of freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior students. This group consists of ten to twenty talented, energetic, and enthusiastic high school students with a passion for music and entertaining. Off campus performing engagements and participation in the MTV Festival are required.

Rock Band
Rock Band membership is by audition only and is comprised of freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior students. This group consists of talented, energetic, and enthusiastic high school students with a passion for music and entertaining. Rock Band performs a variety of musical styles but focuses mainly on popular music. Rock Band performs at the Christmas show, the annual Spring Concert and other on-campus events that arise.

Music Appreciation
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of music theory, music history, music technology, and different musical cultures. Students will also gain a basic understanding of the functions of the main instrument families; brass, woodwinds, percussion, strings, electronic instruments, and the human voice.

Dual Enrollment Music Appreciation - MUS1030
Credits: .5 high school credit / 3 hours college credit
A survey of music from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the 18th and 19th centuries, and modern times. Topics include folk music, popular music, world music, music theory, and cultural and historical influences.


ACT Test Prep
The ACT Test Prep class is designed to assist students in preparing for the ACT test. The focus of the course will include exploring the format of the ACT test, understanding the types of questions found on the test, developing strategies for answering questions correctly, developing strategies for timed testing, and building confidence towards success.

Media and Broadcasting
This is an introductory course that explores the industry of Media and Broadcasting. Students learn the basic fundamentals of broadcast production, including writing, producing, and computer editing. Students receive basic training in photography and videography techniques using digital technology to create various broadcasts for TV and the Internet (Podcasts). The work students do for this class will be featured on,, and other outlets. Each student will learn to work in a cooperative environment and show leadership skills in managing personalities and talents of all students while working on both group and individual projects. Students will develop their skills through a series of in-class exercises, studio and field exercises and critical evaluations of past and present production styles.

Health and Physical Education

In this class we present to the students a broad base of relevant health topics and activities that will impact their well being. Through these activities and ensuing discussions we emphasize the importance of health. Relevant topics include: personal health and wellness, social and emotional health, safety, and nutrition and physical activity and their role in maintaining their body. Emphasis will be placed on the student’s acquiring knowledge and assuming responsibility for one’s own health.

Personal Finance
Personal Finance is a course designed to inform students how individual choices directly influence occupational goals and future earnings potential. Real world topics covered will include income, money management, spending and credit, as well as saving and investing. Students will design personal and household budgets; simulate use of checking and saving accounts; demonstrate knowledge of finance, debt, and credit management; and evaluate and understand insurance and taxes. This course will provide a foundational understanding for making informed personal financial decisions.

Strength Training
This class emphasizes all aspects of athletic performance.  Students will learn a variety of topics including: Olympic Lifting Techniques, General Strength Training, Plyometric Training, Speed, Agility, Mobility, Flexibility, Recovery, Nutrition, etc. We will work in large groups as we train during class.  This course is for those that are serious about reaching their full potential as a student athlete. 

African American Studies
In this course the students will explore the history of African American people. From the ancient African empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai; to the immigration from Africa to the New World, forced or otherwise. From there we will explore the struggle for freedom and citizenship in the newly born United States. We will address all of the perspectives both good and bad on the events that guided the lives of African American citizens to the current climate of today’s society.

Senior Leadership
This course prepares students to act in leadership. They will develop skills in  communication, networking, teamwork and conflict management. They will apply these skills in various hands-on ways to prepare the graduating senior to enter the ever-changing world as a dynamic leader with Christian perspective.

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